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Updated 28th Oct 1999

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iconName:AntUtils New!
Version:v1.27 (28th Oct 1999)
Size:91K (without any plugins)
Download:ZIP archive or download a complete pack (179K inc.plugins below and StrongHelp manual but no soundFX)
Compatibility:SA RISC OS 3.1 and above -  History
Description: A small application to add some valuable utilities to the Ant Internet Suite.
  • Timed fetching of mail and/or news whilst online (avoids having to set up task alarms using !Alarm).
  • Timed random cookies/quotes automatically appended to your signature.
  • Support for LAN access, automatic status and quitting options.
  • Support for multi-user hotlists and call logging files.
  • Cron table support for automatic timed events to take place - ideal for networks or unattended machines.
  • Automatic debatching of Pluto mail.
  • Fixes the DLL problems with the Ant Suite.
  • Fresco file management
  • Save files into a preset directory (useful if a save dialogue box opens before you've had a chance to open a filer window).
  • Toggle Cookies & Javascript on/off with Fresco v2.02 and above.
  • Vary the level of MSIE/Windows faking Fresco sends to servers.
  • Auto launch up to 20 Internet Search Engines.
  • Ability to cancel the InetSuite Transfer All+Hang up feature and stay online.
  • Comprehensive StrongHelp manual.
  • SoundFX to accompany various events. New!
Plugins:Index - Thumbnail index generator (v1.01, 14K)
MBRepair - Repair corrupted Marcel mailboxes (v1.01, 12K)
URLStore - URL store manager (v1.00, 13K)
SoundFX:Default - Some sample sound FX to irritate you (256K)
Please feel free to compile your own sets....

Version:v1.16 (16th Sep 1999)
Download:ZIP archive (12th Mar 1999) (190K)
Compatibility:SA RISC OS 3.1 and above -  History
Description: NetReader is a multi-purpose offline email reader. Although specifically designed for use with the CIX internet & email service, NetReader is also fully compatible with the Ant Internet Suite, being a direct replacement for Marcel as email reader (no news yet though!). NetReader has a simple built-in text editor to compose replies and compose new messages. This makes it easier to use for new or novice users.
Please feel free to offer feedback, as this application was originally designed to be used by me rather than make available to other users.
N.B. Please read the enclosed ReadMe files before use.
NetReader has a number of features which are unique amongst Acorn email readers, such as:-
  • Support for mailing lists, allowing a custom header and footer to be added to each message.
  • A high level of security for multi-user access, ideal for School & college network use.
  • Timed access so that network managers can disable/enable email failities during the week.
  • Forced replies to certain email addresses for certain users. This makes it easy to setup open-access reporting facilities for networks, such as bullying or drug abuse helplines.
  • The ability to 'explode' an inbox into multiple text files; with each message extracted to it's own text file.
  • Automatic statistics so that network managers can monitor system and email usage.
  • Semi-automatic management of mailing lists allowing you to subscribe and unsubscribe users, automatically sending them relevant text messages welcoming or saying good-bye.
  • Automatic censoring of message contents if required. (useful for pupil use)
  • Individual configuration settings for each user.

Version:v1.02 (4th Jul 1999)
Download:ZIP archive (12th Mar 1999) (190K)
Compatibility:SA RISC OS 3.1 and above
Description: A small utility for transferring text files to and from another computer via the Acorn RS232 port. Useful for transferring data to and from Tandy WP laptops, Sinclair Z88's etc etc.

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